Monday, October 29, 2007

Consolidation repeal campaign begins

Bangor Daily News, October 29, 2007

(excerpt) The group’s goal is to collect 100,000 signatures, almost double the required amount, before the holiday season in December "to make a statement to the Legislature," Chairman Lawrence "Skip" Greenlaw Jr. said.

"If we work real hard and get enough signatures and talk with enough legislators, then by January, they’ll want to repeal it," he said.

Before Saturday’s event, more than 1,600 petitions had been distributed in all of the state’s 16 counties, Greenlaw said. So far the coalition has volunteers collecting signatures in 211 cities, towns and plantations.

The Legislature is scheduled to reconvene Jan. 2 for its short session when it will deal with bills leftover from the previous session or deemed an "emergency" by leadership.

Lawmakers last week sidelined more than 60 requests — many of which had identical or similar titles — that would make changes in law. Leaders gave assurances that all proposed changes to the school consolidation law will be considered by the Education Committee, according a Bangor Daily News report, but said considering each bill individually would take too much time.


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