Friday, October 26, 2007

How do SADs 34, 56 teacher salaries add up?

Village Soup, October 25, 2007

(excerpt) A teacher with three years of experience earns $33,393.44 in SAD 34, while in SAD 56, a staffer with equal experience is paid $31,966. Five years out, a SAD 34 teacher will earn $36,146.44, while in SAD 56, the figure is $33,793.

The biggest difference is in compensation levels for veteran staffers, a group Mailloux said "makes up a huge percentage" of the SAD 34 teaching staff.

At 12 years experience, a SAD 34 teacher earns $50,636.44, compared to $40,188 in SAD 56 — a difference of $10,448.44.

The law states it will not displace teachers or students, and MacFarland said cutting teachers has not been discussed as part of the ongoing efforts to create a consolidation plan.

Teacher contracts in SAD 34 will expire Aug. 30, 2010, and in SAD 56, those contracts end Aug. 31 of the same year.

When and if teacher salaries are addressed under an RSU comprised of SADs 34 and 56, Mailloux was skeptical any teachers would be willing to take a pay cut.

"The idea is that whenever those contracts expire at the same time, we are to renegotiate a new contract for everyone," said Mailloux. "I assume teachers in SAD 56 will want to come up to the level of SAD 34 teachers."


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