Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lubec voters nix school budget

Bangor Daily News, June 12, 2008

(excerpt) The school board has to redo the proposed school budget after it was defeated Tuesday 144-136.

It has been a slippery slope for the school budget process. Lubec, like other communities in the state, took a major hit in its state school subsidy. The town's state aid went from $728,000 to $433,000.

School board members were faced with a dilemma: cut the budget or pass the increases on to property taxpayers.

When the school budget was first presented at a public meeting earlier this year, it looked as if the school board was trying to push through a nearly 21 percent increase from last year. Although most who spoke said they favored the increase, the majority of people who attended were silent.

The next day, school board Vice Chairwoman Diana Wilson, with help from school administrators, reduced the budget to an 11 percent increase from last year.


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