Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Earlier pre-school program at issue in Augusta

Kennebec Journal, February 18, 2008

(excerpt) Some even younger students could join Augusta schools' growing pre-school program for four-year-olds.

The city schools, in a partnership with Child Development Services, are considering starting a pilot program to bring three-year-olds into Hussey Elementary School's pre-school program next school year.

The plan would still need the approval of the Augusta Board of Education, but Superintendent Cornelia Brown is recommending the idea move forward.

Augusta started a preschool program for four-year-olds a few years ago in one elementary school and the popular program has since expanded to several city elementary schools. Brown said, in general, students who have been through the preschool program have done better in school than those who have not, by some measures.

"I've long been a supporter of pre-school education," Brown said. "We're a state-recognized model on how to do preschool correctly. We like working with children as early as possible."


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