Friday, January 04, 2008

Veazie, Glenburn address consolidation details

Bangor Daily News, January 4, 2008

(excerpt) Union 87 includes Orono and Veazie, but since they are a school union the state decided they are allowed to have separate consolidation plans.

While Veazie continues to explore options with RSU 15, which includes SAD 63 (Holden, Eddington, Clifton), Brewer, Orrington, Dedham and CSD 8 (Amherst, Aurora, Great Pond and Osborn), Orono is moving forward with its plan to form RSU 16. That unit would join Old Town and Union 90, which includes Bradley, Greenbush, Milford and Alton, Clenchy said.

Orono has decided to review the financial data of what a merger of Orono, Veazie and Glenburn would look like, but the consolidation and school committees previously indicated they favor the larger school unit.

In Glenburn, the school reorganization planning committee met Tuesday to review the three options they face.

The options include joining RSU 16, combining with SAD 64 in Corinth, or doing nothing, committee co-chairwoman Cheryl Hoover said Wednesday.


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