Thursday, August 16, 2007

Anti-dropout program working

Kennebec Journal, August 13, 2007

(excerpts) Jobs for Maine's Graduates sounds like a fine program: targeting students at risk of dropping out of high school, steering them toward a diploma and focusing them on getting a job.

Does it work?

Apparently so, based on the results found in "Working Maine," a Maine Department of Labor study of the graduates of the program from 1998.
Jobs for Maine's Graduates works in middle and high schools, finding students who are likely to drop out. Larrabee said program officials look for those who come from poor families, are not doing well in school and are skipping classes.

"They're not engaged in education and not sure why they're in school," he said.

The program operates as a class during school hours to make it easier for students to attend, he said, and offers training in leadership, communications and job skills. Larrabee said counselors and teachers try to help the students identify a goal, such as going to college or getting a specific job, and then helps tailor a way to help them reach it.


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