Friday, April 13, 2007

Wilhelm cries 'foul' on state education aid in letter to Baldacci

Times Record, April 12, 2007

(excerpt) When schools were told in late March that "Scenario B" numbers for education funding should be used to determine aid to education, the subsidy provided under LD 1953 was missing.

The numbers "appear to totally disregard legislation passed last year that provided special education subsidy for towns within School Administrative Districts that were denied that subsidy under the (Essential Programs and Services) formula but promised it by LD 1," Wilhelm writes. "MSAD No. 75 would receive $1 million less than it was scheduled to receive under the original phase-in plan. This is the largest single decrease in state support in the state."

Wilhelm writes that the district and the town of Harpswell spent two years negotiating cost-sharing and withdrawal as a result of funding inequities, and LD 1953 was a way to correct the situation.

"We cry foul," Wilhelm writes. "To ignore the will of the Legislature and unilaterally disregard LD 1953 is beyond our comprehension."


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