Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Waterville school officials blast governor's plan

Morning Sentinel, January 23, 2007

(excerpts) The Board of Education on Monday night blasted Gov. John E. Baldacci's plan to consolidate school districts, calling it too extreme and too fast.

"Has anyone talked about the idiocy of the timeline?" Superintendent Eric L. Haley asked Board member Pamela Trinward, a state representative.

"The timeline is absolutely ridiculous," she said.
The Maine School Management Association sent a memo to superintendents, legislators and others Monday, urging a large audience at the four meetings before Feb. 5 and asking parents and others to ask questions and share their concerns with Baldacci and Gendron. Trinward urged that people attend the Feb. 5 meeting as well.

"I think it's very important that you get the message out," she said.

Haley and Trinward said the idea that no schools would close as part of the governor's plan is ridiculous, as school buildings needing expensive repairs probably would be closed.

The assertion that each school will have a principal also is unlikely because some schools are so small they would not warrant principals, they said.

"People need to understand when you go to a mega-school system for cost-savings, to actually receive those savings there are going to be some painful decisions made," Trinward said.

Haley said there has been no serious discussion about how the plan would enhance the quality of education.

"They care about saving a dollar," he said. "It's a money issue; it's a tax issue. I don't hear any arguments about how this is going to make teaching better."